Marina Gan, M.Ac, L.Ac / Acupuncture

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect during an acupuncture treatment? 

During your initial visit we will spend up to two hours together.  We will discuss your concerns, symptoms, and goals for treatment.  I will take a complete history including the details pertaining to your main concerns, and will ask questions that will help me understand how your system is functioning overall and the context in which your symptoms are occurring. We may discuss different aspects of your life and lifestyle factors. The information I gather will help me make a detailed assessment about how to proceed with treatment that is tailored to your individual needs.  After our conversation I will take your pulse, look at your tongue, and palpate if necessary. This will be followed my a needle treatment that responds to my findings. 

Subsequent visits last about an hour and begin with a check-in and conversation, followed by a needle treatment.  

Are the needles sterile? 

Yes. All the needles used are sterilized by the manufacturer. They are single-use, disposable needles, and are discarded of in a designated medical waste container after use. 

Do the needles hurt? 

Generally not, and, the level of sensation that is experienced varies from person to person. The needles are hair-thin and there is no pain when they are inserted into the skin. There is a subtle and unique sensation when the needle connects with the acupuncture point below the surface of the skin. Any sensation is typically momentary and does not persist after the initial insertion of the needles, even if they are retained for some time. 

How often and for how long do I need to come? 

I recommend coming once per week for the first five to six weeks, so that we can gain momentum. Generally by the end of this time you will see significant benefit. At this point we can reevaluate and determine whether you would like to continue to build on the benefits you have received from treatment, and we will start to gradually space visits out. Over the long term most people who continue with acupuncture treatment on a maintenance basis like to come anywhere from every three weeks, to once per season, depending on the needs of their condition and life circumstances.